Kamis, 01 Oktober 2015



UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH MALANG IS UMM has three campuses are strategically located and easy to reach by land, air and sea. UMM currently educates more than 26,500 students from all levels of study, both students in the country and foreign countries, such as Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, East Timor, and some students from Europe and America. Faculties amounted to 10 and 1 Graduate Program with the number of courses: 3 for Diploma, 34 for Strata1, 7 program in the Graduate School, two doctoral programs and two professional programs.

UMM has been working with off-campus parties, both from domestic and foreign institutions. For foreign cooperation currently running include: Erasmus Mundus, ACICIS, Peace Corps USA, BGP Engineering Netherlands, AMINEF, AIESEC, EESTEC, USAID, AusAID, the American Corner, Corner Iran, and others.

As a private university leading, UMM has gained recognition from external parties, namely the achieved value Accreditation of BAN-PT (2013), Star Two of QS Star, Accredited KNAPP, Accredited of MTD Registered Public Accountants, Accredited from NQA Global Assurance, etc. The achievements UMM include: Nobel Award Campus of Excellence (AKU) in East Java since 2008, Nobel Award AKU Kartika Kopertis VII East Java as the campus's Best in East Java, Runner Up Adi Efforts Puritama Class II (for Rusunawa), Runner Up ASEAN Energy Award, ranking 18 Indonesia on Webometrics (even ever ranking 8 Indonesia), ranking the 5th World content Rich Files webometrics, ranking 5 Indonesia for Repository Webometrics, ranked 19th in Indonesia 4icu,, ranking 22 TeSCA-Telkom, and others. UMM also received an award from the government of the USA as Host Peace Corps USA began in 2010.

To provide academic services adequate range of facilities have been provided to students, starting a means of academic, non-academic, public facilities and recreational facilities. The learning process and admisitrasi supported with ICT facilities and adequate management information system, thus making the study process becomes easy, efficient, and always follow the development of the era.

Welcome to the UMM. Welcome to the Digital Campus. Welcome to our website to know and learn more about UMM. Welcome berselencar in our virtual world.

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